Anti-corruption training for state authorities

Anti-corruption training for state authorities

Our corruption avoidance program provides local councils and state authorities with essential training to recognise corruption in the workforce.

We help you identify staff criminality and understand management liability.

The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) investigates allegations of corruption and criminal activities within local councils as well as the Victorian government and state authorities.

The definition of corruption has been widened and IBAC expects chief executives and the entire management team to be constantly alert for criminal activity.

Ignorance is no defence.

Our training sessions have been devised to assist an organisation’s executives and its workforce recognise, reject and report corruption and criminal behaviour for investigation.

An innovative program

Our training has been refined over the past three years based on our experience conducting numerous sessions for government authorities and local councils in corruption awareness, detection and avoidance.

We highlight, discuss and review distinct corruption case studies involving a variety of mainstream and less prominent authorities.

We study the motivations for corruption. We also discuss red flags and warning signs, beginning with the initial job interview, that are often ignored or not understood by senior management and boards.

Our corruption avoidance program offers several initiatives.

  • A program can start and finish with a Training Session for the executive team with expectations that the anti-corruption message will trickle down to staff, or we can train your entire staff.
  • A more extensive program will include a Corruption Risk Assessment of your organisation to expose its vulnerabilities.
  • Does the organisation need a Compliance Program to maximise adherence and assurance? We can also help you with this.
  • Monitoring is essential, not an option.
  • Remember that risks change and so the ability to introduce Modifications to any program is vital. Constant vigilance is essential.

An effective anti-corruption compliance program will positively affect an organisation’s culture, deter wrongdoing, make non-compliance far less attractive and more difficult and, in the event of a violation, better position the organisation to deal positively with regulatory authorities.